210406 TILTIL/202104 2021. 4. 7. 02:32
새로운 것에 적응하고 학습하는 것을 습관화 해야 한다.
함께할 동료를 찾아라. 소수의 끈끈한 관계를 맺는 것도 중요하다.
2.udemy python
functions and input
positional arguments vs keyword arguments
# positional argument def greet_with(name, location): print(f"hello {name}") print(f"what is it like in {location}?") greet_with("figo", "seoul") # keyword argument def greet_with(name, location): print(f"hello {name}") print(f"what is it like in {location}?") greet_with(location = "incheon", name = 'baek') # Depending on the need, we can pick between these two
[extra study for interview]
REST - Representational state transfer
build api = make new menu can serve and put into menu board so that client can choose what they want to eat
rest -> a kind of architectural style for designing APIs
before REST, SOAP was dominant.
If every web API was built using the same common guiding principles,
then it would be so easy for everybody to work together and be able to
use different APIs quickly, easily, and efficiently.
API = Bank teller, menu board, etc
Use specific pattern of routes and Endpoint URLs
these two things are probably the most important parts of
making your API restful
HTTP verbs
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