210416 TILTIL/202104 2021. 4. 16. 23:57
1.english i wish i am my 20’s i hope i get a job as soon as possible A strong impact will solve environmental issues like climate change, carbon emission, and greenhouse effects. We need more actions. 2.udemy python dictionary deep dive http://pythontutor.com/visualize.html#mode=edit
210413 TILTIL/202104 2021. 4. 14. 00:19
Make my own rule. Debbie Millman: Anything Worthwhile Takes Time 1.English He doesn’t really get offended by someone else saying negative things to him I think it is a mistake you/your coming along It has nothing to do with me/my being older than you. 2.Udemy python
210406 TILTIL/202104 2021. 4. 7. 02:32
1.reading 루틴의힘2 새로운 것에 적응하고 학습하는 것을 습관화 해야 한다. 함께할 동료를 찾아라. 소수의 끈끈한 관계를 맺는 것도 중요하다. 2.udemy python functions and input positional arguments vs keyword arguments # positional argument def greet_with(name, location): print(f"hello {name}") print(f"what is it like in {location}?") greet_with("figo", "seoul") # keyword argument def greet_with(name, location): print(f"hello {name}") print(f"what is i..
210405 TILTIL/202104 2021. 4. 6. 00:27
1.reading [write a dairy] make a new plan put on weights for getting used to dealing with algorithm my new plan, I am going to call this ‘wake up algorithm’ everyday I study algorithm when I wake up As long as I can, I will do everything to get familiar with using algorithm. 잠시 웅덩이에 빠졌더라도 어떻게 빠져나올지에 당신의 성공이 달려 있다. 우리의 신경을 건드리는 타인의 모든 것이 우리 자신을 이해할 수 있게 한다. -칼 융- 인물묘사, 사건묘사가 생동감 있다. 중국의 역사, 도둑질을 ..
210402 TILTIL/202104 2021. 4. 2. 23:28
1.English I wish I went to abroad for travel but I can’t now. Not unless everyone gets over Corona virus together. I am working so hard Not as hard as I am though 2.Udemy Python while loop # Hangman import random from replit import clear from hangman_words import word_list from hangman_art import stages, logo chosen_word = random.choice(word_list) word_length = len(chosen_word) end_of_game = Fal..
210401 TILTIL/202104 2021. 4. 1. 23:54
1.SQL in goormedu symmetric pairs by hackerrank SELECT f1.x, f1.y FROM functions as f1 INNER JOIN functions as f2 ON f1.x = f2.y AND f1.y = f2.x (two join conditions make sense.) WHERE f1.x < f1.y -- this is point UNION SELECT x, y FROM functions WHERE x = y GROUP BY x, y (‘GROUP BY’ works even if we input two columns at the same time.) HAVING count(*) = 2 ORDER BY x (‘ORDER BY’ can be used at t..
210330 TILTIL/202103 2021. 3. 30. 22:09
1.English This should be getting close I’d like to figure out attractions that I have never been to Start a club or organization Doing so can build your leadership experience, expand your network, and show a proven interest in a new field. 2.the tyranny of merit I think we shouldn’t fall into their trap that makes people’s political efficacy. Don’t be helpless but find the alternatives to corres..
210324 TILTIL/202103 2021. 3. 25. 00:13
1.English what would you done if I had said yes? 2.python for loop, why we should check wider coverage question first? I could find the reason checking by Thonny for i in range(1, 101): if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0: print("FizzBuzz") elif i % 5 ==0: print("Buzz") elif i % 3 == 0: print("Fizz") else: print(i) for i in range(1, 101): if i % 3 == 0: if i % 5 ==0:print("FizzBuzz") else:print("Fizz")..